A Week of Recovery

We are recovering from a week of travel and doctor appointments/hospital visits.  It feels so good to be home again and know we will be home for awhile until our next adventure. (Noah’s hand surgery at CHOP July 23rd)

Noah is doing pretty good overall….everyday seems to be better for him.  He struggled with a lot of pain in the beginning of the week along with a sore bottom due to the procedure.  This procedure was definitely a lot more intense and the doctor told us that pain and swelling is to be expected…and that the pain could last for 2-3 weeks.  I am comforted to know that this is normal even tho it really stinks 😦 We have found that if we keep Noah’s pain meds on schedule he does better and doesn’t seem to have much pain.  We are still waiting to hear the results of the MRI. I am hoping the doctor will call me tomorrow or Monday.  We have a follow up visit at UVA hospital with our doctor next week Wednesday where he will check on Noah’s legs and take pictures to send to Boston.  It is great that UVA and Boston communicate and can share info. Saves us a trip back up to Boston.  The biggest things we have to watch for are high fevers or super intense pain….those could be signs of infection.  Please continue to pray for Noah that he will stay healthy and that he won’t get infections.

The procedures Noah got done is super hard to explain and understand….Andrew is so much better at telling people what Noah got done….so I am not going to explain it (If you have questions talk to Andrew lol) but what I do understand is that the blood flow inside of Noah is finally flowing correctly and not flowing into these extra veins…WHICH IS AWESOME!!!! The doctor is hoping that because of the normal blood flow Noah won’t have issues with the veins in his legs anymore….but only time will tell.

We wanted to thank you all again for your prayers and encouragement.  It is hard to thank everyone personally but please know that we see you and we are so just thankful for you all! 🙂

In other news, Ethan is taking swim lessons at the YMCA and loves it! He is doing really well and we can tell he is going to be our water rat.  Silas just got new glasses which are super adorable.  It is going to take awhile to get him used to them but we are thankful that they will help his eye sight.  He also had a hearing test where he seems to have fluid in his ears causing him to not hear as well so we will meet with the ENT doctor to discuss tubes for him in the future. While we were in NJ we were able to meet our adorable nephew Ryder.  He is so sweet and we love him.  He is doing really well and we are just so thankful to God!

Prayer requests: Noah’s pain will go away and he will be able to get back to normal life and play.  I know he wants to be able to swim and play outside but it is hard for him right now.  Please also pray that we all stay healthy so that Noah can get his hand surgery scheduled for next month.


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