Preparing for Surgery Day

Less then a week till we are in New Jersey and a little over a week until Noah’s hand surgery at CHOP. (Philly) Can’t believe how fast the time is flying and that we will have this surgery very soon! Lots of weird emotions going on inside of me.  I have of course been a little crazy anxious (this is normal for me right before we go to Philly) STILL NO EXCUSE tho…trying to remember to be still and KNOW that God is God.  That I need to step aside and let God take care of Noah and prepare us for what is to come in the future. It is OUT OF MY CONTROL and I need to constantly remind myself…for me it’s a battle everyday to give up this control! I want to control Noah’s health and make sure that he is healthy for surgery but again it is all out of my control….which scares the bagilies out of me.

Leading up to this surgery we have had a pretty good month of no sickness up until this week.  Noah caught a bad cold/cough and we ended up in the ER on Tuesday because he was having some weird breathing…but it all turned out okay and ended up being just a bad head cold.  This was a good reminder to me that no matter how much I keep Noah away from sickness…it can and does happen and God takes care of him and gets him through it.  Noah is doing better now and just seems to have a cough.  This kid is always keeping us on our toes…haha!

Last week we had a lot of doctor appointments for Noah. We are trying to get him custom made shoes to wear…it is believe or not a very hard process and lots of doctors and therapist have to see and approve Noah before these shoes can be made.  It is a test of our patience at times BUT I think we will have new shoes sometime soon.  We are also headed up to UVA this week to get Noah’s new compression boots. The old ones didn’t fit right and always fell off. We also have a few doctor appointments this week in Roanoke to make sure Noah is ready for his surgery.  We will see the pulmonary doctor and the pediatrician to clear him and make a plan for his surgery.  We are so thankful for all the great care we have down here in Virginia and the doctors who are willing to see us and further educate themselves about Cloves and Noah’s specific issues.

We do not have a surgery time yet…we just know it will be on Tuesday January 31st.  It is a minimum of 3 hrs long. We meet with the anestesia doctor Monday at 11 to discuss what his surgery involves and then we call the night before and they will give us our scheduled time of surgery.  Ethan will be staying with my parents in New Jersey while we are in Philly.  He is very excited to see his Omie and Tedo. (That’s what he calls my parents.)  Our new dog Aspen will also be traveling with us to NJ and staying with my parents.  Please pray that it is a good visit for all of us…even when we are in seperate places for a time.  Please also pray that Noah’s cold gets better and that he will be able to get the surgery next Tuesday and pray that I will let God be in charge.  THANK YOU all for your constant prayers and support! We will keep you all updated on his surgery.

Here are some pictures from the last month.  Noah is walking now! He is so funny as he toddles around.  We got snow in the beginning of the month and now we have 50 degree weather.  HAHAHA that is winter in Virginia for you! 🙂 We also adopted a dog named Aspen.  She is 2 1/2 year old beagle/terrior mix aka mutt. She is awesome and we love her…she is a great addition to our family.  Aspen is great with the boys! We are very thankful to have her in our life. ENJOY THE PICTURES:
