Just wanted to give a brief update about Noah’s last dr visit and MRI. We actually didn’t get the MRI because Noah came down with a high fever…the fever was gone the day of the MRI but the Drs didn’t want to risk anything in case he wasn’t completely over whatever he had…and because Noah has had breathing/ airway issues in the past after being under Anestesia…it was just not smart to risk it. We have a new MRI date set for August 16th at 930am. We did get to meet with our oncologist Doctor at CHOP tho and she said Noah looked awesome! She felt that everything looked good and that she wasn’t concerned to wait another month and a half for an MRI. We thank God for that and continue to trust in Him. It was very frustrating to not get that MRI because we had made the trip to NJ and we were in the area but again we are reminded to trust in God and his timing. Super hard to do but it’s a must! 

We celebrated Noahs baptism with family and friends July 3rd. It was such a wonderful celebration of God’s covenant promises to us! We are so blessed!

Thank you for continual prayer and support! We love you all!